We are well into 2015 and I still haven’t written out my goals for this year which is something I promised myself that I’d do. I find it difficult to ‘commit’ to things, I guess that should be a goal? To see things through until the end? Or at least give things a fair try.. so here we go.

-See things through until the end.

-I want to leave the UK whether it be for a day trip or a weekend. Preferably via airplane. I’ve only flown twice in my life and I was 4 at the time. My mum took my siblings and I to Finland where we met Santa which I remember nothing of, haha! So flying is something that I’m keen to experience.

-Start driving lessons. Very self explanatory.

-Read 50 books. It sounds like a lot but reading is my one passion so I think I’ll probably surpass 50.

-Keep a daily diary. I have a ‘5 year diary’ which allows you six lines per day so this has, so far, been easy to stick to.

-Start a college course. This is one of the more difficult ones. I doubt I’ll be going to ‘proper’ college anytime soon so it’ll most likely be something online. For now.

-Start volunteering. Another hard one. I’ve wanted to do voluntary work for a longtime but when you feel like you’re on the brink of a panic attack majority of the time, it’s kinda difficult.

-Redecorate my bedroom. Fresh start and all that.

-Stay up North for a month.

-Eat vegan for a month. I’m a vegetarian, born and raised, and I’m interested in seeing how I feel within myself after eating vegan. I don’t think I’ll ever make the permanent change but you never know!

-Make more of an effort to stay in contact with friends. I struggle with this because none of my friends live anywhere near me which means us meeting up takes a lot of planning and travelling which, again, is hard when you have severe anxiety.

-Learn to love myself.

These are the things I really want to achieve, and focus on, this year. I know that there aren’t a lot but oh well, they’re my goals and I don’t want to set myself up for failure with a list as long as the alphabet! I do want to try and post here more because it gives me a little sense of achievement and it’s great to have things like this documented, so that’s another unofficial goal- write more. We’ll see how that one goes haha. I hope that if you’re reading this you are having a wonderful 2015 and if you aren’t, don’t worry, you’ve got 10 more months to turn it around! 🙂